Wednesday, August 13, 2008

MCCMA Meeting Minutes

MCCMA Meeting -August 12, 2008
Ruby Tuesdays
Tom Donahoo, Aundrea Liddle, Timothy McCormick

Fall MCCMA Meeting
Oct. 6 & 7 @ Retreat House in DeWitt
Topic: Ministry to Eclipsed (non-practicing) Catholics
Possible speaker: Fr. Jim Bacik
**Tom will talk to Fr. Jim to see if available on one or both days....if not he will ask Fr. Jim
for recommendations of other speakers on topic.
**All meals will be at retreat center.
**Election for VP and Secretary.
**Discuss future meeting topics.
**Collect Dues.

May Meeting/Retreat
Dewitt Retreat Center
**Anny brought up how she liked the workshop talk given by MGS at the PM Conference. Tom would
contact MGS to discuss this more.
**Anny would send (and did) the handouts for that talk by MGS.
**Tim brought up the idea of the St. Catherine of Sienna Institute to lead the retreat weekend
on charisms in ministry.
**Possible topic on Scripture and ministry.

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