Wednesday, August 13, 2008

MCCMA Meeting Minutes

MCCMA Meeting -August 12, 2008
Ruby Tuesdays
Tom Donahoo, Aundrea Liddle, Timothy McCormick

Fall MCCMA Meeting
Oct. 6 & 7 @ Retreat House in DeWitt
Topic: Ministry to Eclipsed (non-practicing) Catholics
Possible speaker: Fr. Jim Bacik
**Tom will talk to Fr. Jim to see if available on one or both days....if not he will ask Fr. Jim
for recommendations of other speakers on topic.
**All meals will be at retreat center.
**Election for VP and Secretary.
**Discuss future meeting topics.
**Collect Dues.

May Meeting/Retreat
Dewitt Retreat Center
**Anny brought up how she liked the workshop talk given by MGS at the PM Conference. Tom would
contact MGS to discuss this more.
**Anny would send (and did) the handouts for that talk by MGS.
**Tim brought up the idea of the St. Catherine of Sienna Institute to lead the retreat weekend
on charisms in ministry.
**Possible topic on Scripture and ministry.

Monday, January 7, 2008

MCCMA Officers Meeting

MCCMA Meeting
January 4, 2008

Attended: Tom Donahoo, Steve Wolbert, Aundrea Liddle, Tim McCormick, & Dr. Michael McCallion

MCCMA Spring Retreat
1) “One Faith, Many Paths”
2) May 12-14
3) Dewitt, MI
4) Evening in East Lansing on May 13
5) Commuter fee: $90.00 ($100.00 late fee)
6) Non-commuter: $195.00

Retreat Particulars
1) Will be retreat style, instead of conference
2) Dr. Michael McCallion will be the main retreat leader
a. Build upon the talks given by Michael Galligan-Stierle at last years meeting
b. Focus on what Catholic Sociology has to say about Catholic Young Adult Spirituality
c. 4 Sessions, which will consist of a talk by Dr. McCallion, small group discussion, and large group sharing.
3) Tuesday evening in East Lansing will include Mass at St. John’s and dinner at local restaurant.
a. Shuttle and personal vehicles.

Retreat Outline
Arrival: 4:00-5:00PM
Dinner: 5:00PM
Gathering: 7:00PM (includes introductions, prayer, etc…)

Session 1 What is community?: 7:30PM
**Small Group: 8:00-8:30PM
**Large Group Sharing: 8:30-9:30PM

Breakfast: 8:00-9:00AM
Morning Prayer: 9:00AM

Session 2 Spirituality I: 9:15AM
**Small Group: 9:45AM
**Break: 10:15AM
**Large Group Sharing: 10:30AM

Business Meeting: 11:00AM
Lunch: Noon

Session 3 Spirituality II: 1:15PM
**Small Group: 1:45PM
**Break: 2:15PM
**Large Group Sharing: 2:30PM

Time for Prayer over things learned: 3:00-4:00PM

Commute to East Lansing: 4:15-4:45PM
Mass at St. John’s: 5:00PM
Dinner: 6:00PM
Reception back in Dewitt: 9:00PM

Mass (optional): 8:00AM
Breakfast: 8:00-9:00AM
Morning Prayer: 9:00AM

Session 4 Emerging Adulthood: 9:15AM
**Small Group: 9:45AM
**Break: 10:15AM
**Large Group Sharing: 10:30AM

Check-out Time: 11:00-Noon
Lunch: noon

MCCMA Meeting Ended at 3:00PM