Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Nov. 7th Officers Meeting

Nov. 7, 2007
Red Robin Restaurant
Tom Donahoo
Steve Wolbert
Aundrea Liddle
Timothy McCormick
May Meeting:
**May 12-14 in Dewitt
**Meeting will be in the style of a retreat
**Mike McCallion will lead the retreat, working off last year's talk by MGS
**Officers will meet with Mike in January to discuss details of the retreat
**Send save the date postcards in December (Aundrea will be working on this)
**Theme/Topic of retreat: "One Faith, Many Paths"
**Registration to begin in April, with late registration in May
**Tuesday evening will be in East Lansing, with reception at St. John's and dinner on campus
**Priority on times of fellowship and spiritual nourishment
**MCCMA looking to sponsor event like CMLI for Great Lakes region
**Sometime in early September '08
**Location: Possibly East Lansing/Dewitt
**Steve will be working on advancing this possible event
Conference on Inactive Catholics
**Looking to offer this conference in August, with other possible dates in late '08 or into '09
Other Issues
**Possiblilty of doing site visits to campus ministry sites around Michigan
**Next meeting will be in January, location TBD

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