Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Nov. 7th Officers Meeting

Nov. 7, 2007
Red Robin Restaurant
Tom Donahoo
Steve Wolbert
Aundrea Liddle
Timothy McCormick
May Meeting:
**May 12-14 in Dewitt
**Meeting will be in the style of a retreat
**Mike McCallion will lead the retreat, working off last year's talk by MGS
**Officers will meet with Mike in January to discuss details of the retreat
**Send save the date postcards in December (Aundrea will be working on this)
**Theme/Topic of retreat: "One Faith, Many Paths"
**Registration to begin in April, with late registration in May
**Tuesday evening will be in East Lansing, with reception at St. John's and dinner on campus
**Priority on times of fellowship and spiritual nourishment
**MCCMA looking to sponsor event like CMLI for Great Lakes region
**Sometime in early September '08
**Location: Possibly East Lansing/Dewitt
**Steve will be working on advancing this possible event
Conference on Inactive Catholics
**Looking to offer this conference in August, with other possible dates in late '08 or into '09
Other Issues
**Possiblilty of doing site visits to campus ministry sites around Michigan
**Next meeting will be in January, location TBD

Thursday, August 30, 2007


Michigan Catholic Campus Ministers Association
Dues for 2007 & 2008

MCCMA dues are $50.00 per member with a maximum of $150.00 per campus. Please send dues check to:

Aundrea Liddle, MCCMA Treasurer
761 Student Center
Detroit, MI 48202

Please make any changes in the space below.




MCCMA Fall Gathering

Pastoral Response to Trauma Survivors and Crises
Noon on October 8-Noon Oct 9
Ministry Center
5800 Weiss St.
Saginaw, MI 48063

Presenter: Sharon Froom, MA, LLP
Of Trauma Recovery Associates

Many of the people that come to you for assistance are survivors of childhood trauma. Often they will not inform you of their painful histories. You are apt to become aware of them as you notice the difficulties they have in relationships. It will be helpful for you to know common signs of childhood trauma and how to help survivors get the help they need to begin the recovery process.

Trauma Recovery Associates is comprised of mental health professionals with experience in treating adult survivors of childhood abuse and neglect and training mental health professionals and pastoral care providers, using the core concepts of the internationally recognized Trauma Model.

Objectives of our time together:
Receive instructions on how to help survivors get the help they need;
Understand the core concepts of the trauma recovery model;
To understand the process of forgiveness and its place in trauma recovery;
Understand the role of neutrality in trauma recovery;

Cost is $100.00 per person
Please send check to:
Aundrea Liddle, MCCMA Treasurer
761 Student Center
Detroit, MI 48202

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

MCCMA: Officers Meeting

July 18, 2007
Present: Thomas A. Donahoo, Steve Wolbert, Aundrea Liddle, and Timothy McCormick


1) October MCCMA Meeting
a. Location, Time, and Speaker set
b. October 8-9th in Saginaw
c. Sharon Froom, MA, LLP on Crisis Counseling
d. Will Provide Topics to CM’s for next October (’08) MCCMA Meeting
e. Fr. Brendan to say Mass?

2) May 2008 Meeting
a. Location is St. Francis retreat center in Dewitt
b. No Lunch on Monday arrival
c. Dinner and Free time in East Lansing on Tuesday
d. Mass and Reception at St. John’s Center on Tuesday
e. $195.00 per person (early bird fee), otherwise $215.00
f. Tom needs to follow-up on speaker with Krista Bajoka
i. Rolheiser? Curtis Martin?

3) MCCMA Stationary
a. All four officers agreed that it was necessary
b. Aunnie volunteered to work on this

4) Website
a. Tim will develop a MCCMA Blog
b. Goal is to eventually have a full website

5) Future Planning and etc…
a. Tom encouraged that all four officers take on presentation role at MCCMA meetings
b. Important to promote the findings of Michael Galligan-Stierle
c. Develop a condensed CMLI to train student leaders
i. Mid-September
ii. Begin in Michigan, with goal of growing regionally
d. Emphasize retreat element of May meetings
i. Help build up CM’s spiritually
ii. Have speakers with time for processing, silence, faith sharing, and prayer
e. Create welcome packet of resources and contact for new Campus Ministers
i. Introduce newbies to MCCMA
ii. Ability to contact others in similar situations, like community colleges

Tuesday, July 24, 2007